Social media marketing in New Jersey

What singles out social marketing out is its goal to benefit the audience. Any marketing campaign whose ultimate goal is not to effect a change or sustain the behavior of the audience for their own good is not social marketing. Social media marketing (where a brand markets its product or service through social media platforms) […]

Social marketing is quite different from other marketing strategies. The aim of this strategy is not to make profit but to stimulate social change in a community that is crammed with individual who exhibit a plethora of bad habits. This habits could be one that endangers the life of individuals or one that puts the […]
Social Marketing in NJ and its Importance

Sometimes when watching your favorite show, they take a break and you are presented with a showing people burning coal and the fumes rising up towards the sky, and trees getting put down. Then the heat of the sun warms up the ice caps and the earth floods with water, and then a voice-over tells […]
Social Marketing and How It Can Be Employed by Dentists

Traditional marketing approaches are targeted at drawing in buyers and boosting sales. But social marketing is not one of such marketing strategies. Social marketing was developed from public announcements which were targeted at benefiting the audience. Such announcements are often health related, as there are health related issues of which many people are ignorant to […]
Social Marketing and its uses for dentists

You are scrolling down your Facebook page and you see a catchy video from an organization. You decide to play this video. In the video, a doctor compares the X-ray results of two lungs-the lungs of a smoker and that of a nonsmoker. Pointing to the X-ray result of the lung of the smoker, he […]