Social marketing involves the application of marketing and a variety of ideas and tactics to attain certain behavioral goals for the good of the social environment. In a nutshell, social marketing is the use of commercial marketing principles and strategies to change the human behavior. For instance, this could include asking people not to litter […]
Social marketing for lawyer

Social networking can be described as a wide space where all kinds of things from ads, entertainment, dialog (communication), polling, sales, and everything you can think of happening. Use this channel properly, this could be a solid, fast network to get quality leads, sell and reach a wider audience. Social marketing is very similar to […]
Social marketing: objectives and advantages

Social marketing by definition Social marketing is the systematic approach geared towards changing or maintaining the behavior of a group of people for their own good and ultimately for the good of the general public. It involves marketing activities carried out in order to influence the behavior of members of the society. Social marketing combines […]